OK, in Part 1 of “Hormones & Fat Loss”, I discussed the role Leptin plays in controlling hunger and how sugars may cause Leptin resistance and over-eating and fat gain.

In this post, I will be discussing the role of insulin…
Insulin is a hormone produced by the Pancreas to help regulate carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the body and enable muscle and fat cells to absorb glucose from the blood.

Insulin is released by the Pancreas to remove excess glucose from the blood, which otherwise would be toxic. Yes, glucose (sugar) is toxic in high doses!!!

The more insulin released the more lipolysis decreases – liplolysis is the reduction of fat cells.

As with Leptin, people can also become insulin resistant. This means the cells are less receptive to insulin, so the Pancreas releases more insulin and if continued will become Type II Diabetes. The good news is, that in many cases this can be reversed with exercise, diet and lifestyle modification.

Because insulin enables fat cells to absorb glucose (energy) it is the key that unlocks the door to storing fat in the body. So by minimising fluctuations in blood sugar and avoidance of over-eating, you can maximise your chances of reducing body fat if done in conjunction with optimal exercise, diet and other lifestyle factors.
I sometimes ask my clients to take their blood glucose reading before each meal to indicate how well they are controlling their blood sugar levels and therefore, insulin levels too. If their blood sugar levels are out of range, we know there are some lifestyle changes that require attention.

Until next time…