This weekend, I delivered the first ever CHEK Academy workshop at CHEK Europe H.Q. in Mawdesley, Lancashire.

We had 16 keen and eager students ready to begin their first year on the CHEK Academy. This workshop’s aim was to prepare the students with all the foundation knowledge required to get the most out of CHEK Exercise Coach that they will be attending next year as part of the first year in the Academy.

Whilst Anatomy & Physiology might not be the most exciting subject to learn for most, we did have a good time, with each section of the workshop being interactive rather than just lecturing. On day one, we covered physiology and how physiology affects how you design exercise programmes and the potential downfalls that can be made without this understanding.

We had a great meal at the end of day one at The Eagle and Child public house (right) and I was straight off to sleep that night as soon as my head hit the pillow in a very comfortable hotel bed.

On day two, we covered musculoskeletal anatomy and day two culminated in a quick fire quiz between four teams to help deepen the knowledge learned over the two days. The quiz was great fun, and Ryan’s team, well supported by Joanna and Emma finished really strong to win the quiz. Well done guys!

In fact, everyone on the workshop did a great job and now have nine months to fully prepare for CHEK Exercise Coach with the resources suggested, including Visible Body® software, which is an amazing resource to learn anatomy.

After the workshop, I managed to find some time to see one of Gavin’s clients (Gavin owns CHEK Europe) who I performed some Active Release Techniques® on.

After a quick train journey back to London my bed was a very welcome site and I had a great night’s sleep and a long lie in after a fun-packed and busy weekend.

If you would like to find out more about the CHEK Europe Academy you can click here for details.