This weekend I travelled up to Lancashire to deliver the Anatomy & Physiology workshop for the CHEK Europe Year 1 Academy students.
Unlike Lancashire’s usual weather, it was bright and sunny.
We had 25 students in the class coming from Germany, Ireland, a large Welsh contingent and a scattering of Englanders.
Day 1 covers human and exercise physiology and Day 2 covers skeletal and muscular anatomy, biomechanics and an introduction to posture.
The two days were great fun and the group got to know each well and enjoyed the company of so many other like-minded people. The workshop is packed with information, but I attempt to teach the class in as relaxed a way as possible. Unlike most of the advanced training programs we teach, there is no homework during the weekend, so we enjoyed a nice meal out on Saturday night and got to know each other a little better.
At the end of the weekend we had a quick-fire round quiz where the group was split into five teams of five. I would ask a question and the first person to stand up, gets the chance to answer the question and win a point for their team.
The quiz is used to review the information taught over the two days in a relaxed and fun way. We did have lots of laughs during the quiz and Nigel Nicholas who took part in last year’s Year One Academy (but missed this workshop) showed how much information you learn during the year by answering a lot of the questions and seeing his team home by one point over the second placed team.
It was great to meet everyone and I look forward to teaching them all again as they progress through the year and beyond.
The weekend was topped off by finding out that England pipped the Aussies in the first test at Trent Bridge.