Wow, has half the month almost already gone? Time has flown this month!

Today was a very special day. Today was the launch of my new online coaching program, “MT Coaching Success“.  It has been nine months of hard work, long days and an extremely steep learning curve.

MT Coaching Success Website Screen Shot


The 6-week program has been designed to help Metabolic Typing® Advisors to coach their clients through the tricky and challenging period of change they need to go through in order to be successful and improve their health and/or performance.

E-book Cover1 The program includes weekly seminars, example video and audio (of me working with clients), telephone coaching with yours truly, The MT Coaching Success Secrets e-book, a seminar entitled, “Why Do Clients Sabotage Their Success” and access to the educational resources I use to help educate my clients.

Within the first hour of launching the site, there has already been many sign-ups to the program and is likely to fill up very quickly. The program begins on 25th April and at the time writing this blog, there was only 20 places available for this first launch, which includes a $200 (never to be repeated) discount.

I’m really looking forward to sharing my knowledge and experience in this program and can’t wait to see how the program develops in the months and years ahead!

I’ll keep you posted!

If you are a Metabolic Typing® Advisor and you would more details on this program, check out the site at