This month, I have to tell you about an amazing experience I had at The CHEK Conference in San Diego, California.

I had such a great time, both professionally and personally. In fact, right now the jet-lag is just about wearing off, but the feel-good factor of the conference has kept me going since I’ve been back.

IMG_0126 The trip started on 30th August with an 11-hour flight from Heathrow to San Diego. Shortly after arriving and driving to The Moonlight Beach Motel in Encinitas, I thought I’d walk down to the local shops to stock up on water and see what I could find for dinner.

This picture was the view from my balcony. A stunning view of Moonlight Beach and The Pacific Ocean.

To my surpise, I bumped into and joined, my CHEK Faculty colleagues, Jon Bowskill, Dan Hellman, Ashley Mubarek and CHEK Europe owners Gavin and Gabi Jennings. We had a lovely Peruvian meal at ‘Qero’. I have been to this restaurant every time I’ve been to Southern California. It never fails to impress.

The next day, I bumped into another CHEK Faculty instructor, Matt Wallden on my way to breakfast at ‘Honeyz’ and then Emma Lane as she had just finished her breakfast.

After breakfast, I went to the CHEK Institute, had a workout, said hello to the team and after lunch managed to get on the tennis court with Jon Bowskill, who I must say is not too shabby with a tennis racket. It’s great to hit with people who can play a bit.

The next day I was off to The CHEK Institute for a Faculty meeting and Open Day. It is very rare that the Faculty meet in person as we are spread all over the world. The meeting was extremely open, honest and productive (and sometimes hilarious, especially when JP Sears decided to speak) and we finished the meeting with some clear objectives and goals to move forwards.

It was also great to catch up with the other Faculty members who I have taken courses with and have taught with like Janet Alexander, Mark Buckley, Donal Carr, Josh Rubin and Robert Yang.

CHEK Open Day 2011 The Open Day was set up to allow the public to attend the CHEK Institute and workout with Paul Chek and some of The CHEK Faculty and other senior CHEK Practitioners.

For me, the Open Day was a chance to meet up with old friends and some new ones too. Catching up with my old buddy, Warren Williams was great and the lovely Jade Johnson who Warren is helping to condition for the long jump in next year’s Olympics.

Leigh and Jade It was quite surreal to find out that Jade and I know a number of the same people going back around 20 years. That freaked us both out!!! After just a few minutes, it seemed Jade and I had known each other for years.

It was also great to catch up with Rory Mullin, The Athletic Trainer for The Toronto Rapters. I also caught up with Ximena ‘The Walk’ Gonzalez, CHEK Practitioner and one of my friends from Miami and her dog Rocky.

I also managed to catch up with my old buddy (he is older than me, so I can call him old), Duncan Reeve. Duncan and I have attended many courses together and assisted Paul Chek many times together in the UK.

Warren, Paul & Jade I also got to catch up with and spend some down-time with Paul Chek in his amazing office along with Warren and Jade, Rory, Ximena and Donal.

That evening I moved down to San Diego to stay at The Marriot Mission Valley Hotel where the CHEK Conference was taking place.

I managed to go downtown for some dinner with Ximena and our new buddy Michael Christy from British Columbia. Unfortunately, not knowing downtown San Diego and Ximena having to feed and take Rocky for a walk we didn’t get to dinner until midnight.

Stay tuned for the low down on the conference itself.