Jade JohnsonYesterday’s Metro Newspaper in London ran an article on long jumper Jade Johnson.

The article talked about her knee injury and how she has suffered from adrenal fatigue.

The article also dicussed how she is working with Paul Chek and her jump coach John Herbert to help her get into shape for next year’s Olympics.

Knowing Jade, I can tell you that she is one of the most determined people I know and I have great hope for her next year.

As you may have read in a previous post, I am also working with Jade to help her with her Adrenal Fatigue and Warren Williams, CHEK Practitioner Level 3, has been working with her for the past year and has helped her greatly to improve joint stability and strength.

I think we might need to call in Air Traffic Control when Jade lines up on the runway at the Olympics next year!