In my last post, I explained this importance of supplementing a good diet with high quality supplements.
So how can you go about supplementing properly?
Firstly, you need to know your metabolic type before deciding which foods and supplements are right for you. Taking specific supplements for specific symptoms is very ineffective. Taking supplements to support any imbalances in your body’s fundamental homeostatic control systems is very effective.
You also need to use good quality ‘natural’ supplements. Most commercially branded supplements are synthetic and of very poor quality. Commercially branded supplements are synthetic copies of the natural substances. When ingested your body does not identify the substances as food and attacks them with anti-bodies causing an inflammatory response in your gut, which can lead to Leaky Gut Syndrome and food intolerance. Commercial fish oils also contain cheap, rancid carrier oils.
It must be said that supplements are only effective as a ‘supplement’ to a good diet, it doesn’t make up for a bad one.
A good pro-biotic (Rejuvi-flora), multivitamin (Synergy Com 1, 2 or 3) and Omega 3 Fish Oil (EFA Plus or Eskimo 3). I highly recommend everyone should be taking these on a daily basis.
I also find a lot of people, but not all require hydrochloric acid supplementation (HCL 1, 2 or 3) and digestive enzymes (Enzigest 1, 2 or 3) to aid their digestion.
As food and therefore supplements have drug like effects on the body, you should always seek the advice from a metabolic typing advisor when establishing which diet and supplementation programme is right for you.
The supplements I use and recommend are ‘natural’, not synthetic and are very high quality.
So what supplements are generally required by most?