Bigstockphoto_Fitness_Lady_580902 Searching on the internet recently, I came across this article by TV Doctor Chris Steele (below). Now, I’m not looking to criticise Dr Steel as I am sure he is doing his best. 

After all, it should be understood that in the seven years of training, a student Doctor receives approximately four hours of nutritional study (most of their syllabus is on pathology and pharmacology) which is often sponsored by food manufacturers. 

Here is part of his article, with my comments below… 

What to eat

Before planning your meals, remember these simple guidelines:

Where amounts are not stipulated, any amount of that food can be eaten

Where fish is mentioned, any fish can be eaten. Tinned fish in oil is not allowed; tinned fish in brine is allowed

Where meat is mentioned, any meat without the fat is allowed and chicken without its skin. Sausage meats and high fat meats like burgers are not allowed 

No fried foods, and no foods with more than 3% fat content


  • Fresh fruit in any amount or a large glass fruit juice
  •  One egg with one slice of brown toast or one average helping of unsweetened cereal (ideally whole-grain)
  • Tea, herbal tea or coffee

My Comments:

What to Eat

TInned fish is recommended: 

  • Tins contain heavy metals and toxins. Toxins are stored in fat cells in the body and disrupt hormone production

Any fish is recommended:  Fish

  • Farmed fish, even organic are fed unnatural feed and kept in unnatural, cramped environments, which makes them sick. They are often treated with anti-biotics and other drugs, as they are so sick. Drugs are toxic and where do toxins get stored in your body? 

Any meat as long as it has no fat or skin: 

  • Why? As a species we have eaten high fat meats for millions of years. We need saturated fats from good sources for our cellular membranes, brain development and to produce hormones. Our hormonal system needs to work correctly to lose weight in the long term.
  • Any meat? Does that include non-organic meats that are fed toxic feed, fed grains to make them fatter (what is stored in the fat cells? Was it toxins by any chance?), injected with copious amounts of medical drugs, which are toxic, they don’t get to see the light of day, and contain very little if any nutrients. What happens when your diet is nutrient deficient? Oh yes, you want to eat more food. What happens when you eat too much food?

Breakfast recommendations: 

  • The recommended breakfast would fill most active people for about 20 minutes before they needed to eat again. For most people it is way too high in fast releasing sugars, which increases insulin levels. Insulin is a hormone that helps drive calories into fat cells and makes them bigger and you FATTER!

Stay tuned for Part 2, when I show you Dr. Steel’s ideas for lunch and explain why they are not a good idea…