In Part 1, I discussed how the deep abdominal wall is crucial for support of the lumbar spine and how an inflamed small intestine can inhibit the deep abdominal muscles leaving the spine without adequate protection.
So if you are in pain, you will need to reduce inflammation in the area. Herbs such as turmeric, ginger and boswellia are very good sources of natural anti-inflammatories.
In addition, cleaning up your small intestine is crucial. As mentioned in the previous section, poor food choices, alcohol consumption, medical drugs and being overly stressed cause problems for the small intestine.
So to help optimise your digestive system, you can:
- Eat organic food 80-100% of the time.
- Eat right for your metabolic type
- Many people are sensitive to wheat, dairy and soy. Avoid wheat and dairy (check food labels) for 2 weeks and see what difference it makes. Always avoid soy and processed sugars.
- Drink 0.033 litres per day of good quality bottled water for every kilo of bodyweight.
- Reduce / eliminate alcohol consumption
- Take time out every day to be still and quiet and relax (watching TV does no equal relaxation).
In some instances people will require pro biotics, essential fatty acid supplementation, digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid, colon and liver cleanses to effectively improve their digestive system. This is a one step at a time process that I would highly recommend you receive professional help for.
In fact, if you have back pain and it lasts more than a week, I would strongly advise you seek professional help. Whether you have back pain or not, optimising your body’s digestive system has a myriad of health and performance benefits.
Watch this space for more information on improving your health and performance.