Hormones & Fat Loss – Part 2

OK, in Part 1 of “Hormones & Fat Loss”, I discussed the role Leptin plays in controlling hunger and how sugars may cause Leptin resistance and over-eating and fat gain. In this post, I will be discussing the role of insulin… Insulin is a hormone...

Hormones & Fat Loss

Following on from my last blog, I thought I would delve into more detail about the relationship between hormones and fat loss. I always inform my clients that you have to get healthy to lose weight, not lose weight to get healthy. And getting healthy includes...

What to Eat to Lose Weight? Part 2

In my last post, I began discussing what’s best to eat to lose weight and the fact that we are all different and therefore have different nutritional requirements. So how do I answer the question to my clients? Well, I following a few simple steps with my...