After a long day travelling from San Diego, I arrived in New York. I had a few days to recover from my travels and crossing time zones before I was due to teach at The ECA World Fitness Convention.
It was a bit of shock going from hot weather to temperatures below freezing in New York. It was my first visit to New York and I have to say I really like the place. It is very similar to London, but with taller buildings. It has a similar vibe.
As well as preparing for my presentations at the weekend, I also spent my time editing The Tennis Biomechanics Manual, working out in the hotel gym (which was decent for a hotel gym) and I spent two half days sight-seeing too.
I presented 2 lectures, “Practical Approaches to SI Joint Pain” and “Fabulous & Functional Core Conditioning” and 1 workshop, “Balance Training For Every Client”.
Here is a little insight to my two half-days of sightseeing…
And the view wasn’t too bad (below) from my hotel room as I was working on The Tennis Biomechanics Manual, which I was very happy to give back to Penny Crozier, who is editing the book, with all my amendments before she flew back to San Diego.
So stay tuned for more news on when “The Tennis Biomechanics Manual” is going to be released!
Since returning to London last week, I have been working hard, catching up with clients, and started working with a few new ones too. I’m also in the process of changing our procedures and pricing structure for this financial year, which is looking very exciting as it will enable us to help more people!!!
Until next time…