In this post, I’ll be showing you how you can look for a personal trainer who specialises in the area that you wish to be successful in, for instance, fat loss.
Where possible, look for someone who specialises in the goals you are looking for. Many personal trainers will have a list of specialities longer than a sheet of A4. This is a jack of all-trades and master of none.
Look for someone who specialises only in what you are looking for. If you are looking to lose weight after having a baby, look for someone who specializes in post-natal fat loss. Look to see if perhaps they have written a book on the subject or run courses or online programmes. Look to see what organisations they belong to. For instance, if you want to improve sporting performance, you might look someone who belongs to The UK Strength & Conditioning Association (UKSCA).
If you can’t find someone who specializes in a particular area, ask around for someone who at least has a passion for it. For example, if you are looking to run a 10k and there is a trainer who runs marathons, at least they’ll have some knowledge and passion to help you.
For instance, I have a passion to help injured tennis players rehabilitate their injuries and help them get back to perform better than ever before. I myself play tennis and have had tennis-specific injuries, overcome them and now am in as good a shape as ever. Because of this passion, I have extensively studied tennis strength and conditioning and helped a number of tennis players get over injuries and back moving and performing well on court.
In the final Post of this series, I will be discussing the cost of personal training and what you can expect to get for your money. So stay tuned…