When I first began Brando’s Blog a few years ago, it was always my intention to share wth you some of my client’s experiences of their journey with me.

This week, out of the blue, I received a testimonial from a client of mine who I worked with a year ago. His testimonial read:

“I went to Leigh Brandon in summer 2008 to get an all round health plan. Going to a personal instructor wasn’t exactly what I wanted; I needed an all round plan encompassing exercise and nutrition. Leigh was more than able to fit the bill. I had spent several years in sport getting fit for a ski season or triathlon event but almost always I would get injured during or just after an event and never really feeling like I was taking it to the next level.

I had seen an article on CHEK Practitioners in a Men’s Health magazine and decided to try it. Leigh was able to come up with an exercise and nutrition plan within the first few visits and ended up designing a programme for me to follow throughout the year. 

I learned so much from the visits, exercises and nutrition studies that I improved markedly over the next few months and this year after having the best ski season of my life, I was able to step up the triathlon training and completed my first Ironman this summer. I recommended Leigh to a friend who was having back pain and he not only eradicated the back pain, but he was able to complete his fastest ever marathon time.

What Leigh did more than anything was educate me on what was right for my body so I feel I don’t need to see anyone else to improve.”

Stephen, Skier and Triathlete.
This kind of feedback is why I do what I do. It is very rewarding to help people to achieve their goals and in the process help them to achieve a healthier and happier life.

Until next time…