People are becoming more and more aware that they may have an insensitivity to wheat and are therefore restricting it from their diet.
Food insensitivities or intolerances have been shown to cause many common ailments and diseases known today.
So if you restrict or eliminate wheat from your diet, does that make you safe from the possible ill effects of wheat? If you definitely do have a problem with wheat, you may need to restrict more than just wheat.
This is because it is the protein gliadin that people are sensitive to. Gliadin is found in most grains, including oats. Oat based products are being marketed as a replacement for wheat based products as a healthier option. However, this does not solve the problem as oats also contain gliadin. Yet again the food industry tries to fool us in the pursuit of profit at the expense of health.
For most of us (especially of North European origin) a complete avoidance of grains is ideal. Many people worry because they believe they have to eat grains for fibre. It is more important to eat right for your metabolic type for you colon health than anything else. In fact, grains make me constipated (I’m sure you all wanted to know that), fatty meats make me regular. I didn’t realise what constipation was until I began eating a high protein, high fat diet as I then began having normal bowel movements.
Eating grains had cause me to be constipated for the first 31 years of my life and I thought that 30 minutes for a bowel movement was normal. Colon cancer runs in my family, but I can guess that my grand parents and aunts and uncles may have avoided it by eating right for their type and therefore avoiding grains.
Some grains that do not contain Gliadin are millet, wheat grass, buckwheat, rice and corn. So don’t be fooled by these new oat based cereals and grain bars.