On Monday of this week, I hosted a Celebration Evening @ LifeSmart to celebrate my move to this new amazing venue. Guests arrived to a feast of delicious organic nibbles and juices which were very popular (especially with our special guest!).


The guests crammed into the studio at LifeSmart and we were very pleased to have Paul Chek and Penny Crozier as our special guests.

I delivered a presentation entitled, “The Secrets to Staying Young and feeling Great” which focused mainly on highlighting the stressors in our lives and how to minimise them by following the Foundational Factors of Health. It was obvious to the professionals in the audience that I have been trained by Paul Chek because I took 90 minutes to deliver a 45 minute presentation.

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This was followed up by an auction of signed books by Paul Chek and myself. We managed to raise £600 to help support the family of a friend and former colleague of mine who recently passed away. I was amazed that all the books went for over £100 each. Thank you to everyone who took part and especially those who bid the highest for such a great cause.
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This was followed with a prize draw where the audience could win BodyCHEK Gift vouchers worth £3,500. Congratulations to Mark, Jayne and Julia who won the prizes!

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The evening was rounded up with the opportunity to socialise, network, finish off the organic nibbles, grab a chair massage and an opportunity for a number of guests to get their picture taken with Paul Chek. All in all, a great time was had by all!!!