What to Eat to Lose Weight? Part 2

In my last post, I began discussing what’s best to eat to lose weight and the fact that we are all different and therefore have different nutritional requirements. So how do I answer the question to my clients? Well, I following a few simple steps with my...

What to Eat to Lose Weight?

If I had a pound, every time I was asked, “What Should I Eat to Lose Weight”, I probably would have finished paying my mortgage by now. What most people tend to believe is that the answer will be the same who ever asks the question. So, for me it is never...

The Cardio Training Myth

There is a dogma in the health and fitness industries and amongst the general public and media that you have to perform lots of cardiovascular exercise to achieve health and/or weight loss. However, this is not true. In fact, great benefits can be achieved with...