The Importance of Food Quality

The Importance of Food Quality

Quite simply, to build health, you need to nourish your body with highly nutrient dense, toxic-free foods.  And how do you do that?  You consume as much of your diet as is possible from organic and/or biodynamic sources. The only exception is fish, which should...
On The Road in Europe

On The Road in Europe

The last few weeks have been extremely busy. Two weeks ago I flew to Copenhagen to teach two workshops for CHEK Europe at Fitnessdk in Nygardsvej. I taught two workshops, ‘Program Design’ and ‘Scientific Core Conditioning’. I had a class of 22...

The A-Z of Prolapsed Lumbar Discs – Part 4

In Part 3, I explained what you can do to minimise micro-trauma of your discs from a biomechanical perspective and therefore, help to prevent a disc prolapse. In this post, I will explain tissue healing rates and how that affects your lumbar discs. If you look at the...