by Body Chek | Aug 25, 2016 | Blog, BodyCHEK, Chronic Fatigue, General Health, Injury Rehabilitation, Professional Courses, Sports Injuries, Strength & Conditioning
Most of you will know that I have extensively studied with Paul Chek and that I am a member of The CHEK Institute Faculty, teaching the institute’s Advanced Training Programmes. In the video below, Paul Chek describes (in a lot of detail) how we assess clients...
by Body Chek | Jun 27, 2014 | Blog, BodyCHEK, Sports Injuries, Strength & Conditioning
It’s been a little while since I last blogged as it has been very busy here at BodyCHEK. So what has been going on? At the end of May, I completed the ‘Upper Extremity’ module of Active Release Technique®. It was a really great course and I have...
by bodychek_admin | Sep 10, 2012 | Sports Injuries, Strength & Conditioning
Active Release Technique® (ART) is a patented, advanced soft tissue system/movement based massage technique that is used to help with problems of muscles, tendon, fascia, ligaments and nerves. ART has been used to help people with conditions such as back pain,...
by bodychek_admin | Sep 10, 2012 | BodyCHEK, Professional Courses, Sports Injuries
Over the last four days, I took the ‘Spine’ module in Active Release Technique® at their European head quarters in Moss, Norway. The whole trip was a great experience. Not only did I get my head stuffed with loads of great knowledge and techniques, but I...
by bodychek_admin | Aug 13, 2012 | BodyCHEK, Professional Courses
Last week I was fortunate enough to teach an amazing group of students on CHEK Exercise Coach in beautiful Kingston, Surrey. As often happens on day one, a little panic amongst the group set in as to how they we’re going to survive the week following the first...