
Announcing Radical Health Rebel Podcast +

Announcing Radical Health Rebel Podcast +

Announcing Radical Health Rebel Podcast +

Firstly, if you are one of the hundreds of regular listeners of The Radical Health Rebel Podcast, thank you very much, your support is greatly appreciated.

I began this podcast to get ‘the message’ out to as many people as possible. The message of how to heal yourself and lead a more fun-filled, healthy, productive and fulfilling life.

The amount of time and money it takes to keep the podcast going is far greater than I ever anticipated and as it stands, is almost a full-time job.

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Gut Health with Heather Pearson

Gut Health with Heather Pearson

In this episode of The radical Health Rebel Podcast, Heather Pearson discusses all-things ‘gut health, including what gut health is, what is leaky gut, what is the gut barrier, what can heal a damaged gut, pre and probiotics, how diet affects gut health, conditions caused by gut health and Heather’s top tips for optimal gut health.

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The Top 5 Radical Health Rebel Podcast Episodes of 2022

The Top 5 Radical Health Rebel Podcast Episodes of 2022

It has been an exciting time since launching the Radical Health Rebel Podcast in August last year.

I’ve had some amazing guests, sharing their knowledge on a wide range of health-related topics. Some of which have managed to get me into trouble with social media platforms who are doing their best to supress the truth and remove our rights to freedom of speech and scientific debate.

I have created a Playlist on Spotify of the Top 5 Episodes of 2022, so you can quickly find out what all the fuss has been about and what information the social media giants don’t want you to hear.

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Mastering The Kettlebell with Mike Salemi

Mastering The Kettlebell with Mike Salemi

In this episode of The Radical Health Rebel Podcast, Kettlebell Master and World Champion, Mike Salemi discusses the exercise phenomenon that is the Kettlebell and how he learned through practise, competition, and pain and from world leaders, such as Louise Simmons and Paul Chek to Master The Kettlebell.

Mike shares the benefits, the risks and gives his top tips to master the kettlebell.

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Heal Acne for Good on The Body’s Way Podcast

Heal Acne for Good on The Body’s Way Podcast

Heal Acne for Good on The Body’s Way Podcast

Last week I made a guest appearance on The Body’s Way Podcast to discuss Healing Acne for Good.

I discussed my own experience of suffering from acne for 18 years, how my doctor’s advice made it worse, how I healed it myself, and I look at healing from acne in a very different way to the medical approach, and why the way I approach acne is much more effective.

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Misuse & Misinterpretation of COVID Data with Professor Norman Fenton

Misuse & Misinterpretation of COVID Data with Professor Norman Fenton

In episode 18 of The Radical Health Rebel podcast, I interviewed Professor Norman Fenton, Professor of Risk Management at Queen Mary University, London.

We discussed the many ways in which the data on COVID and the COVID injections had been misinterpreted and misused by politicians, journalists and medical professionals alike, that led to disastrous decisions and policies, the effects of which will be felt for decades.

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What Everyone Needs to Urgently Understand

What Everyone Needs to Urgently Understand

Without question, we are living in unprecedented and precarious times.

There has been much debate around the world about what has truly been going on, and much debate has been shut down by politicians and media outlets.

Below, I have provided 2 presentations from prominent doctors and I strongly suggest everyone hears their messages.

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Pandemic Amnesty?

Pandemic Amnesty?

In this video, my former colleague JP Sears discusses whether those who shamed, bullied and coerced people into doing things they didn’t want to do, that didn’t benefit them and for many caused great harms, including deaths that we are still experiencing in higher number than in 2020, plus the unnecessary collapsing of the global economy, which is causing further hardship and death.

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The Purpose & Potential of Persistent Pain with Matt Wallden – Part 1

The Purpose & Potential of Persistent Pain with Matt Wallden – Part 1

Persistent Pain is a condition that many people suffer from, which can have a serious detrimental effect on quality of life. In this episode, which is the 1st of 2 parts, my buddy and long-term colleague, Matt Wallden explains what pain is, what persistent pain is and why people suffer from persistent pain and why many people and professionals often find it difficult to overcome and treat.

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The Torment & Torture of Eating Disorders with Becky Ezekiel

The Torment & Torture of Eating Disorders with Becky Ezekiel

In this week’s episode of The Radical Health Rebel podcast, I spoke with Becky Ezekiel about her experience of suffering from the eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, how it affected her and those around her and how she ultimately came to overcome this potentially life-threatening illness.

Becky was amazingly open and honest in this interview and shared some great information for those going through a similar experience and for those living with someone who is suffering.

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Introducing Paul Chek & The Last 4 Doctors You’ll Ever Need

Introducing Paul Chek & The Last 4 Doctors You’ll Ever Need

In this week’s episode of The Radical Health Rebel podcast, I spoke with the living legend that is Paul Chek, the founder of The CHEK Institute, a pioneer and one of the most influential people in health, wellness and performance over the last 30-40 years and the man who has had the biggest influence on my professional career.

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The Lies Exposed, The Truth Uncovered

The Lies Exposed, The Truth Uncovered

Over the last 3 years, the western world has seen a level of censorship and psychological operations only ever seen before in countries like China, North Korea and The Soviet Union (and Nazi Germany).

This has led to huge levels of excess mortality and life changing medical conditions as well as suppression of our freedoms, privacy and our financial wealth.

I have spent in excess of 1,000 hours (at great expense to myself) investigating all the science as I feel it is my responsibility as someone who advises clients on health to keep up to date, so I can provide the most accurate information, so my clients can make informed decisions. Many of my clients chose not to consider the evidence I provided and I respect their decision, even though some of them now deeply regret their decision.

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Healthy Masculinity with Jator Pierre

Healthy Masculinity with Jator Pierre

In this week’s episode of The Radical Health Rebel podcast, I spoke with the my former colleague at The CHEK Institute, Jator Pierre and we had a deep dive into the concept of Healthy Masculinity!

It was a very deep and enlightening interview…

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From Bereavement to Achievement with Aimee Buchler

From Bereavement to Achievement with Aimee Buchler

In this week’s episode of The Radical Health Rebel Podcast, I interviewed Aimee Buchler on Overcoming Self Sabotage.
In this episode, Aimee Buchler shares her experience of losing her mother to cancer at an early age, how she nursed her mother through her final years, and how she turned that devastating adversity into a force for good, helping others to achieve health and happiness in their lives.

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Why Most Lower back Pain Has No Known Cause?

Why Most Lower back Pain Has No Known Cause?

As you are probably aware, I’ve been very busy hosting The Radical Health Rebel Podcast. However, I have also been busy being interviewed on other podcasts.

Here is an interview I did for the ‘A Coffee with Karen’ Podcast on Mint Wave Radio, where I discussed back pain and why it is very common to have no known cause for back pain.

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The Root Cause of Cancer with Paul Leendertse

The Root Cause of Cancer with Paul Leendertse

In this week’s episode of The Radical Health Rebel, I interviewed Paul Leendertse on The Root Cause of Cancer

For over 10 years, Paul Leendertse has been helping individuals heal from within, using no treatments. In his 30-day cancer residency, Paul’s clients had a 90% success rate reversing stage 3 and 4 cancer who had almost given up hope before finding Paul and his approach to cancer.

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Working With Your Shadow To Overcoming Emotional Trauma with Nicole Sheppard

Working With Your Shadow To Overcoming Emotional Trauma with Nicole Sheppard

In this episode of The Radical Health Rebel Podcast, Nicole Sheppard Podcast shares her experiences of childhood trauma and the effects that had on her into her late twenties, people pleasing and not living the life she wanted to live. Nicole shares the therapy and coaching she received to access her own shadow-self and overcome her ego’s programming to be where she is today, living the life of her dreams and helping others who are stuck in their life to achieve their dreams.

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All-Cause Mortality Data by Age Group: Which Groups Made The Wise Choice?

All-Cause Mortality Data by Age Group: Which Groups Made The Wise Choice?

In a study entitled, “COVID-19 and All-Cause Mortality Data by Age Group Reveals Risk of COVID Vaccine-Induced Fatality is Equal to or Greater than the Risk of a COVID death for all Age Groups Under 80 Years Old as of 6 February 2022”, by Kathy Dopp, MS Mathematics and Stephanie Seneff, PhD published on 13 February 2022 they overviewed the data of the results so far from the medical experiment taking place across the globe.

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VAERS Whistleblower – Worth a Watch

VAERS Whistleblower – Worth a Watch

In a Highwire exclusive, Deborah Conrad, a hospitalist physician’s assistant on the frontlines of the pandemic, pulls back the curtain on the complete lack and disregard in her hospital for reporting Covid vaccine injury to VAERS, this country’s only mechanism to...

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Clear Overview of the Scientific Evidence by Former VP of Pfizer

Clear Overview of the Scientific Evidence by Former VP of Pfizer

In these blogs over the last year, I have tended to only share posts that I think are really crucial during this current political crisis that we are experiencing.

In this interview, Dr Mike Yeadon, former Vice President of Pfizer gives a very clear expose of the scientific evidence surrounding this crisis and clearly shows how the authorities have been lying to us every step of the way.

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