Dealing with Child Tantrums and Ragefull Outbursts with Laura Reardon
In this week’s episode of The Radical Health Rebel Podcast entitled “Dealing with Children’s Tantrums and Rageful Behaviour”, Laura Reardon and I discussed the best strategies for parents when faced with a child showing strong emotions such as tantrums and outbursts.
Why Yoga & Stretching Is Causing Your Pain with Yogi Aaron
In this week’s episode of The Radical Health Rebel Podcast entitled “Why Yoga & Stretching Is Causing Your Pain,” Yogi Aaron and I discuss the important topics of stretching and yoga, why their concepts are often misunderstood and why in many cases they are used ineffectively, leading to physical pain and injury.
We both discuss our previous lower back injuries that were at least in part caused by yoga and the lessons we both learned.
How To Thrive in Menopause with Dr Daved Rosensweet
In this week’s episode of The Radical Health Rebel Podcast entitled “How To Thrive in Menopause”, Dr Daved Rosensweet and I got to discuss a very important topic that affects millions of women across the world and can ultimately lead to a miserable middle and late-stage of life often requiring a cocktail of pharmaceuticals with little benefit, side effects and 24-hour care at great expense.
Autoimmune Conditions Are Caused by Your Mind with Josie Warren
In this week’s episode of The Radical Health Rebel Podcast, I invited Josie Warren to discuss Why Autoimmune Conditions Are Caused by Your Mind.
Health expert Josie had eight autoimmune disorders, depression, anxiety, ADD, alcoholism, and an eating disorder in her teens and 20’s. After years of struggling with traditional and alternative medicine, she was unable to solve her chronic health issues. Thankfully, she found the missing piece that led her to fully heal from ALL her chronic health disorders in a very short period of time.
Josie’s passion to help others with autoimmune disorders to create fulfilling lives is clearly evident in this interview, and she was really excited to share the missing piece in this episode.
Overcoming Embarrassing Gas, Bloating & Constipation with Tina McDermott
In this week’s episode of the Radical Health Rebel Podcast, I spoke with Tina McDermott who spent most of her life struggling with digestive issues. She didn’t understand that the embarrassing gas, bloating, constipation, and yo-yo weight gain/loss she had since she was a teenager were all interconnected and thought that it was just ‘the way it is’, and that she had to live with it.
Top 10 Nutrition Fails with Leigh Brandon
In this week’s episode of the RHR Podcast, I go solo to share with you my experience of the last 27 years coaching people on eating for optimal health and the biggest mistakes I see people making where nutrition has played a role in their health condition, whether it be, acne, eczema, psoriasis, constipation, diarrhoea, chronic pain or any other chronic degenerative disease.
Do You Need Kinesiology to be Pain Free? with Amanda Kate
In this week’s episode of the Radical Health Rebel Podcast with Kinesiologist Amanda Kate, we discussed how Kinesiology changed Amanda’s life around from a life of abuse, lack of self care and ill-health, into where she is now, using Kinesiology to help people get out of pain and to lead their best life.
Get Rid of Chronic Pain & Disease Fast with Dr Lonnie Herman
In this episode, I spoke with Dr Lonnie Herman about the system he has created after studying many health and medical modalities to get to the root cause of people’s pain and to eradicate the pain fast, by treating it using a combination of techniques.
A Fight For Freedom, Truth & Bodily Autonomy with Nazarin Veronica
In this episode, I invited Nazarin Veronica to discuss her experience of the last 3 years and her fight for freedom, truth and bodily autonomy.
Having watched a number of Nazarin’s online videos and TV appearances, I just had to get her on the show as she is such an inspiration to people, both young and old. I can say for sure if there were more people as wide-eyed, brave and morally sound as Nazarin, the world would not be in the mess that it is.
Lose The Booze with Teri Paterson
In this week’s episode of The RHR Podcast, entitled “Lose the Booze”, I spoke with Sober Coach Teri Paterson about how people can reduce their intake or take a break from alcohol to improve their health and so many areas of their life.
Invisible Extinction of The Human Microbiome with Steven Lawrence
In this week’s episode of The RHR Podcast, entitled “Invisible Extinction of The Human Microbiome”, I interviewed film producer Steven Lawrence about his documentary movie called “The Invisible Extinction”.
Steven’s ability to understand the science, but portray it in an entertaining way makes the film a very easy, but informative watch. After watching the movie myself, I really wanted Steven to share the very important information about the human microbiome, the overuse of antibiotics and Faecal Microbiome Transplants (FMTs).
Cancer Is A Spiritual Journey with Paul Leendertse
In this week’s episode of The Radical Health Rebel podcast, Paul Leendertse and I discuss how Cancer Is a Spiritual Journey and Paul dispells a few myths, we get deep into the causes of some cancers, forms of treatments and their strengths and weaknesses, the root cause of cancer and Paul’s advice on how to prevent and reverse cancer.
Natural Vision Correction without Glasses with Lizzie May
In this week’s episode of The Radical Health Rebel podcast, I spoke with the amazing Lizzie May who helps people improve their eye sight without glasses, contact lenses or eye surgery. In fact, she helps improve people’s vison by getting to the root cause, through their mind and not their eyes.
Somatic Healing with Liz Wong
In this week’s edition of The Radical Health Rebel Podcast, Liz Wong shares her experience of Somatic Healing, explains what it is, what it entails, how it helped Liz overcome the loss of her best friend and how she now helps her clients using Somatic Healing. We also discuss Liz’s amazing psyhic powers that I have experienced first-hand myself.
My Appearance This Week on The Jaymie Icke Show on Ickonic
This week, I had the pleasure this week of appearing on The Jaymie Icke Show on Ickonic.
Jaymie has a very strong interest in health and particularly natural and holistic health. He asked me about what motivated me to get into my line of work and the key philospophies I use to help people lead more fun-filled, healthy, productive and fulfilling lives.
I really enjoyed the conversation and Jaymie has kindly asked me back for a Part 2 as there is so much more we can discuss.
The Abundance Archetype: Keys to Greater Wealth & Wellbeing with Jason Pickard
In this week’s edition of The Radical Health Rebel Podcast, Jason Pickard shares his journey from successful trader on Wall Street, yet severely overweight, unhealthy, unhappy and feeling like life was just passing him by to becoming super healthy, focussed, living a life with meaning performing well in all aspects of life. He now coaches others to do the same based on his own journey of discovery and education from some of the world’s best teachers and leaders.
The Gut Health-Depression Link with Shim Ravalia
Shim Ravalia of The Gut Intiution shares her own story of gut infections and depression, the link between gut health and mental health via the Gut Brain Axis, how she uses her own experience to help others overcome their own gut issues and to help them realise their physical and mental potential to achieve great things in life.
Radical Generosity with Bob Depasquale
In this week’s edition of The Radical Health Rebel Podcast, Bob Depasquale, The Generosity Guy goes deep into how his story of giving back started when he was a young college football player in New York who was diagnosed with testicular cancer the day before he saw 2 airplanes plunge into the Twin Towers of The World Trade Centre Buildings.
Bob explains how an amazing act of generosity the day before 9/11 sparked him on a journey of recovery and radical generosity.
Bob also explains why generosity is important and how it improves your health and wellbeing.
Allergies Bee Gone with Joyce Dales
In this week’s edition of The Radical Health Rebel Podcast, Joyce Dales, owner of Buzzagogo describes the amazing power of high quality honey when it comes to optimsing the nasal microbiome and fending off allergies and colds.
Conspiracy, Corruption and Collectivism with Leilani Dowding
In this week’s edition of The Radical Health Rebel Podcast, Leilani Dowding, social commentator and Ickonic presenter discusses the conspiracies, corruption and move towards collectivism over the last 3 years, what the biggest threats are moving forward and how we can emerge victorious in this war on humanity.
Healing Beyond The Physical with Nicole Devaney
In this week’s edition of The Radical Health Rebel Podcast, CHEK Practitioner and CHEK Faculty Instructor Nicole Devaney discusses how the body is a holistic system and how non physical aspects of ourselves affect our physical bodies.
Under The Veil of Deception with Paul Chek
In this week’s edition of The Radical Health Rebel Podcast, I go deep with Paul Chek into how humanity has been deceived in the past, especially around food and medicine and also look into how so many people people were deceived over the last 3 years by the mainstream propaganda.
Transformation with Laurie Lathom-Sharp
In this week’s edition of The Radical Health Rebel Podcast, former fermented foods entrepreneur, Laurie Lathom-Sharp takes us on a deep dive down the road of ‘Transformation’. In the current times of great change, Laurie teaches us the core principles of transformation and why it is so important in these time of great change.
Holistic Weight Loss with Joel Evan
In this episode, Holistic Weight Loss Coach Joel Evan discusses his experience on helping his clients achieve their weight loss goals using a truly holistic approach.
The Human Microbiome – The Final Frontier with Debbie Cotton
Naturopathic Clinician Debbie Cotton discusses with Leigh Brandon what the microbiome is, how it can become imbalanced, what health problems this can cause and some top tips to restore the microbiome and optimal health.
The Health Detective Podcast with Evan Transue
I was recently interviewed on The Health Detective Podcast by Evan Transue.
We discussed a number of subjects including Sport Injuries, Cystic Acne and Mindset.
Stop Waiting! Another Day Is Not Guaranteed with Vanessa Lambert
Are you someone who tends to put things off and procrastinate? Do you assume that tomorrow is another day and you can put things off until tomorrow?
How do you know you will definitely see tomorrow? Well, Vanessa Lambert, founder of ‘BeeFest’ explains in detail why you can’t guarantee that you will see another day and therefore, why you must make the most of the life you have every day and how to ensure you do just that.
How Women Can Reclaim Health, Strength, & Vitality with Allie Cass
Allie Cass explains many factors of women’s health and weight loss, from her own personal experience and the experience of working with her female clientele.
The Deadly Dangers of Mold with Tim Swackhammer
Mold expert, Tim Swackhammer gives the low down on the dangers of mold in the home or workplace, what diseases it can cause, the dangers of dealing with mold yourself, how to effectively remove mold from the home and also the dangers of Radon gas in your home.
This could be great episode for someone who has tried everything to overcome a health challenge without success.
Announcing Radical Health Rebel Podcast +
Announcing Radical Health Rebel Podcast +
Firstly, if you are one of the hundreds of regular listeners of The Radical Health Rebel Podcast, thank you very much, your support is greatly appreciated.
I began this podcast to get ‘the message’ out to as many people as possible. The message of how to heal yourself and lead a more fun-filled, healthy, productive and fulfilling life.
The amount of time and money it takes to keep the podcast going is far greater than I ever anticipated and as it stands, is almost a full-time job.
Gut Health with Heather Pearson
In this episode of The radical Health Rebel Podcast, Heather Pearson discusses all-things ‘gut health, including what gut health is, what is leaky gut, what is the gut barrier, what can heal a damaged gut, pre and probiotics, how diet affects gut health, conditions caused by gut health and Heather’s top tips for optimal gut health.
Body, Mind, Soul Connection with Donna Tashjian
In this episode, Donna Tashjian explains the Body, Mind, Soul Connection, why it’s important to be aware of it, how it affects our lives and our health and how we can reintegrate the Body, Mind & Soul.
The Top 5 Radical Health Rebel Podcast Episodes of 2022
It has been an exciting time since launching the Radical Health Rebel Podcast in August last year.
I’ve had some amazing guests, sharing their knowledge on a wide range of health-related topics. Some of which have managed to get me into trouble with social media platforms who are doing their best to supress the truth and remove our rights to freedom of speech and scientific debate.
I have created a Playlist on Spotify of the Top 5 Episodes of 2022, so you can quickly find out what all the fuss has been about and what information the social media giants don’t want you to hear.
The Great Plant Based Con Part 2 with Jayne Buxton
In this episode of The radical Health Rebel Podcast, I spoke with author Jayne Buxton about whether eating a Plant-only based diet is necessary to save the environment.
The Great Plant Based Con Part 1 with Jayne Buxton
In this episode I spoke with author Jayne Buxton about whether eating a Plant-only based diet is optimal for health. In the next episode we discuss whether a plants-only based diet is necessary to save the environment.
Mastering The Kettlebell with Mike Salemi
In this episode of The Radical Health Rebel Podcast, Kettlebell Master and World Champion, Mike Salemi discusses the exercise phenomenon that is the Kettlebell and how he learned through practise, competition, and pain and from world leaders, such as Louise Simmons and Paul Chek to Master The Kettlebell.
Mike shares the benefits, the risks and gives his top tips to master the kettlebell.
Heal Acne for Good on The Body’s Way Podcast
Heal Acne for Good on The Body’s Way Podcast
Last week I made a guest appearance on The Body’s Way Podcast to discuss Healing Acne for Good.
I discussed my own experience of suffering from acne for 18 years, how my doctor’s advice made it worse, how I healed it myself, and I look at healing from acne in a very different way to the medical approach, and why the way I approach acne is much more effective.
Misuse & Misinterpretation of COVID Data with Professor Norman Fenton
In episode 18 of The Radical Health Rebel podcast, I interviewed Professor Norman Fenton, Professor of Risk Management at Queen Mary University, London.
We discussed the many ways in which the data on COVID and the COVID injections had been misinterpreted and misused by politicians, journalists and medical professionals alike, that led to disastrous decisions and policies, the effects of which will be felt for decades.
The Top 10 Gym Mistakes
In episode 17 of The Radical Health Rebel podcast, I describe the Top 10 mistakes that I frequently see in the gym and give solutions and resources, to get the most out of your workouts.
The Power of Vulnerability with Dai Manuel
In episode 16 of The Radical Health Rebel podcast, Dai Manual describes the moment in his life where he reached rock-bottom and the only way out was to become vulnerable and be open and honest about his feelings and who he was as a person.
Full Heart Living with Tom Glaser
In this episode, I chat with psychologist, Tom Glaser, author of the Book, “Full Heart Living: Conversations with the happiness People I Know”. Tom explains the key factors required to live a happy life.
The Purpose & Potential of Persistent Pain with Matt Wallden – Part 2
In Part 2 of this discussion on Persistent Pain, Matt completes dispels some myths around persistent pain and gives his top 5 tips for anyone wishing to overcome, once and for all their persistent pain.
If you suffer from Persistent Pain or work with people who do, this is NOT to be missed.
The Purpose & Potential of Persistent Pain with Matt Wallden – Part 1
Persistent Pain is a condition that many people suffer from, which can have a serious detrimental effect on quality of life. In this episode, which is the 1st of 2 parts, my buddy and long-term colleague, Matt Wallden explains what pain is, what persistent pain is and why people suffer from persistent pain and why many people and professionals often find it difficult to overcome and treat.
The Torment & Torture of Eating Disorders with Becky Ezekiel
In this week’s episode of The Radical Health Rebel podcast, I spoke with Becky Ezekiel about her experience of suffering from the eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, how it affected her and those around her and how she ultimately came to overcome this potentially life-threatening illness.
Becky was amazingly open and honest in this interview and shared some great information for those going through a similar experience and for those living with someone who is suffering.
Introducing Paul Chek & The Last 4 Doctors You’ll Ever Need
In this week’s episode of The Radical Health Rebel podcast, I spoke with the living legend that is Paul Chek, the founder of The CHEK Institute, a pioneer and one of the most influential people in health, wellness and performance over the last 30-40 years and the man who has had the biggest influence on my professional career.
The Lies Exposed, The Truth Uncovered
Over the last 3 years, the western world has seen a level of censorship and psychological operations only ever seen before in countries like China, North Korea and The Soviet Union (and Nazi Germany).
This has led to huge levels of excess mortality and life changing medical conditions as well as suppression of our freedoms, privacy and our financial wealth.
I have spent in excess of 1,000 hours (at great expense to myself) investigating all the science as I feel it is my responsibility as someone who advises clients on health to keep up to date, so I can provide the most accurate information, so my clients can make informed decisions. Many of my clients chose not to consider the evidence I provided and I respect their decision, even though some of them now deeply regret their decision.
Cancer: Healed Holistically with The Power of RAGE with Jill Ayn Schneider
In this week’s episode of The Radical Health Rebel podcast, I spoke with Jill Ayn Schneider, who in 1975 decided to refuse medical treatment and that she would heal her cervical cancer herself.
It was a very enjoyable and enlightening interview…
Healthy Masculinity with Jator Pierre
In this week’s episode of The Radical Health Rebel podcast, I spoke with the my former colleague at The CHEK Institute, Jator Pierre and we had a deep dive into the concept of Healthy Masculinity!
It was a very deep and enlightening interview…
Step Into Your Power With Ximy Gonzalez
In this week’s episode of The Radical Health Rebel podcast, I spoke with the amazing Colombian Bombshell, Ximy Gonzalez and she highlights how to overcome your Instinct Injury and Step into your power and the benefits of doing so!
From Obesity & Sickness to Role Model of Fitness
In this week’s episode of The Radical Health Rebel Podcast, I interviewed Jerry Kuykendall on how he went from being sick and obese to a role of fitness in the fitness industry. Jerry Kuykendall grew up sick and obese, had GERD, depression, and anxiety from elementary...
From Bereavement to Achievement with Aimee Buchler
In this week’s episode of The Radical Health Rebel Podcast, I interviewed Aimee Buchler on Overcoming Self Sabotage.
In this episode, Aimee Buchler shares her experience of losing her mother to cancer at an early age, how she nursed her mother through her final years, and how she turned that devastating adversity into a force for good, helping others to achieve health and happiness in their lives.
If I Was The UK’s Health Tsar
In this week’s episode of The Radical Health Rebel Podcast, I go solo, discussing what I would do to improve the health of the nation if I were made the UK’s Health Tsar.
Why Most Lower back Pain Has No Known Cause?
As you are probably aware, I’ve been very busy hosting The Radical Health Rebel Podcast. However, I have also been busy being interviewed on other podcasts.
Here is an interview I did for the ‘A Coffee with Karen’ Podcast on Mint Wave Radio, where I discussed back pain and why it is very common to have no known cause for back pain.
Overcoming Self Sabotage with Eileen McCotter Davies
In this week’s episode of The Radical Health Rebel Podcast, I interviewed Eileen McCotter Davies on Overcoming Self Sabotage.
The Root Cause of Cancer with Paul Leendertse
In this week’s episode of The Radical Health Rebel, I interviewed Paul Leendertse on The Root Cause of Cancer
For over 10 years, Paul Leendertse has been helping individuals heal from within, using no treatments. In his 30-day cancer residency, Paul’s clients had a 90% success rate reversing stage 3 and 4 cancer who had almost given up hope before finding Paul and his approach to cancer.
Working With Your Shadow To Overcoming Emotional Trauma with Nicole Sheppard
In this episode of The Radical Health Rebel Podcast, Nicole Sheppard Podcast shares her experiences of childhood trauma and the effects that had on her into her late twenties, people pleasing and not living the life she wanted to live. Nicole shares the therapy and coaching she received to access her own shadow-self and overcome her ego’s programming to be where she is today, living the life of her dreams and helping others who are stuck in their life to achieve their dreams.
Launch of The Radical Health Rebel Podcast – Episode 1
The Radical Health Rebel Podcast brings you weekly discussions and interviews on all things health and wellness, whether it is nutrition, exercise, functional medicine, gut health, spirituality, mindfulness, psychology, politics and more.
My Brand New Podcast – The Radical Health Rebel – Coming Soon
I am shortly about to launch my very own podcast. Something I have been planning to do for some years.
It will be called The Radical Health Rebel (for reasons I will explain in episode 1, which will be available in August).
BodyCHEK Has a New Home
I am very pleased to announce that BodyCHEK now has a new home.
For the foreseeable future, I will once again be available for face to face appointments (yes, I have missed those). However, I am no longer working in central London, but in Hertfordshire, just a few miles and a few minutes drive from my home.
The Danger of Living in Two Realities – Paul Chek
Paul Chek shares his grave concerns about the invasion of digital media via portable electronics and what you can do to take back your life today for the health of Mother Earth and yourselves in this solo Living 4D podcast. It really is well worth the time investment and worth sharing with everyone you know…
All-Cause Mortality Data by Age Group: Which Groups Made The Wise Choice?
In a study entitled, “COVID-19 and All-Cause Mortality Data by Age Group Reveals Risk of COVID Vaccine-Induced Fatality is Equal to or Greater than the Risk of a COVID death for all Age Groups Under 80 Years Old as of 6 February 2022”, by Kathy Dopp, MS Mathematics and Stephanie Seneff, PhD published on 13 February 2022 they overviewed the data of the results so far from the medical experiment taking place across the globe.
Why The Official Data Suggests The COVID Vaccines Are Safe & Effective
In this excellent presentation, Professor Norman Fenton analyses the UK’s official data on COVID Vaccines efficacy and safety.Well worth the time investment.
Dr Sam Bailey – What Is Making People Sick?
In this video, Dr Sam Bailey gives her views on why people have been getting sick over the last two years. Her views are quite different from the mainstream narrative. It can be very easy to dismiss anyone who has a different view to you, but unless you hear all angles on a subject, how will you ever know what is really true?
Authorities Blatantly Ignoring The Science On Natural Immunity
The Informed Consent Action Network have exposed the Centres for Disease Control (USA) of completely ignoring the science on Natural Immunity.
Research Indicates Delta Variant Driven by Experimental Injection
In this short video clip, Jeffrey Jaxen shares evidence suggesting that ‘DELTA’ DRIVEN BY VAXXED IN NEW STUDY
We were told it was a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Now, new science has revealed a shocking truth.
Is the Treatment Worse Than The Disease?
Joel Smalley on the Pandemic Podcast looking at the data of the effectiveness of the experimental injection rollout….
Admission by WHO on Vaccine Safety Studies
Most people, including medical doctors believe that vaccines go through full safety studies. However, if you hear what the top experts at the World Health Organisation have to say about safety studies, I guess it would surprise most people that sufficient safety studies do not yet exist.
Why Kings Kill Your Children – The 4 Life Process Archetypes
Paul Chek clearly explains who is pulling the strings and who are unable to see those pulling the strings. Who are the puppet masters and who are the puppets. He explains why most people do not evolve beyond the mental capacity of a child and why they are susceptible to manipulation.
Professor Explains Why You Can’t Believe Government’s Numbers
In this interview by Dan Astin-Gregory, Professor Norman Fenton explains why you cannot believe any of the figures from the government which they have used to scare the population and create political policies and emergency laws.
VAERS Whistleblower – Worth a Watch
In a Highwire exclusive, Deborah Conrad, a hospitalist physician’s assistant on the frontlines of the pandemic, pulls back the curtain on the complete lack and disregard in her hospital for reporting Covid vaccine injury to VAERS, this country’s only mechanism to...
Research Paper Indicates High Viral Load and Low Neutralising Anti-bodies Amongst the Jabbed.
A recent pre-print study performed on vaccinated health care workers concluded the following: "Breakthrough Delta variant infections are associated with high viral loads, prolonged PCR positivity, and low levels of vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies, explaining...
Phd Cellular & Molecular Biologist Explains Why The Un-jabbed Are NOT Selfish
Dr Christina Parks, Cellular and Molecular Biologist explains that the ‘injections’ DO NOT and were never designed to prevent transmissions, only to attenuating symptoms of the alpha variant, which no longer exists. Worth a short watch…
Dr Peter McCullough Asks Why The Known Treatments Have Not Been Prioritised
Dr Peter McCullough asks questions as to why Doctors are not treating patients with the virus, when there are known effective treatments and also discusses the theory of asymptomatic spread.
The Real Plan That Is Going On Behind The Pandemic
If you want to really understand what is going on, you have to follow the money. This video explains very clearly what is going and it is clear that it has nothing to do with health and saving lives…
Clear Overview of the Scientific Evidence by Former VP of Pfizer
In these blogs over the last year, I have tended to only share posts that I think are really crucial during this current political crisis that we are experiencing.
In this interview, Dr Mike Yeadon, former Vice President of Pfizer gives a very clear expose of the scientific evidence surrounding this crisis and clearly shows how the authorities have been lying to us every step of the way.
Link Between Obesity Rate and COVID Mortality and Efficacy of Lockdowns
Today, I’d like to share a great analysis of the link between obesity and COVID and an analysis of the efficacy of lockdowns.
Healing Acne for Good – Living 4D Podcast with Paul Chek
Have you tried and failed to treat acne using “remedies” prescribed by allopathic medicine?
In this podcast with Paul Chek (founder of The CHEK Institute) I discuss safer, more effective treatments for acne that I used to heal myself and many of my clients in Paul’s Living 4D Podcast.
COVID and The Vaccine
COVID and The vaccine is without doubt the biggest debate today, not just in health and medicine, but in the world.
So, what is the truth?
Unmasking COVID-19: Vaccines, Mandates, and Global Health
I really wanted to share this information with you. Here is a series of video interviews with PhD scientists and medical doctors, lawyers and environmental experts giving their view on the current crisis.
CaseDEMIC, Not Second Wave! The Science From The Experts.
Today, I’m sharing the overwhelming scientific evidence that the epidemic ended in May and is NOT on it’s way back. We have a Casedemic and not a second wave.
Corona False Alarm? Facts & Figures
You might be starting to question to logic and intelligence of our law makers with all these confusing rules, regulations nd restrictions on our movement and freedoms.
Virus, Health and The Future – My Podcast Guest Appearance
Last week I was delighted to be asked by the Small Business and Holistic Health Podcast Team, Jill & Dan to be interviewed for an episode on their podcast.
Oxford Epidemiologists Discuss The Science Around COVID-19
Some very interesting perspectives on the science around COVID-19.
Are You Being Distracted?
In today’s blog I share a video where I discuss whether the discussion over face coverings is distracting us from a much more important issue…
Leslie Manookian: Bringing Light to the Darkness of Health and Freedom
Do you think you know everything you need to make sound decisions for the health and wellbeing of you and your family, even during a pandemic?
Yet Another Whistleblower Exposes CDC Corruption Over Autism Data and Causes
Yet another CDC Whistleblower exposes the corruption and cover up of known data about the causes and prevalence of Autism.
Dr Coleman: Doctors and Nurses Betrayed Patients – and Themselves
Dr Coleman discusses how doctors and nurses have been portraying patients and themselves.
Systematic Scientific Fraud, Corruption, Actual Bodily Harm and Manslaughter
In 1986, pharmaceutical companies extorted the US Congress into giving it the best business model in the world: no lawsuits for vaccine products that are mandated by law to be injected into children — products that have never been properly tested for safety. Vaccines that are currently being rushed…
Paul Chek: The Journey of Self Management on London Real
Around 1995, I began reading articles in a fitness magazine by this man and it was clear then that he had something different to offer to all the other experts.
The Uncertain Promise of a COVID Vaccine – What We’re Not Being Told
If you are holding out for a COVID Vaccine to keep you safe doing the next flu season, I suggest you watch this short video before you make a final decision.
The Truth About Patented Pharmaceuticals
Patented pharmaceuticals are extremely profitable for the company that has the patent as they have a long term Monopoly on that drug and can charge what they want.
Research Proves Gyms Pose No Additional Risk of Catching COVID-19
A large-scale academic study has concluded that there is “no threat of increased COVID-19 spread” at fitness facilities, even when intensive training takes place.
Nutritional Essentials for Optimal Health and Performance
Optimal nutrition cannot be obtained without optimally produced, high quality foods. These include organic and biodynamic sources of food which have limited use of chemicals in their production, unlike non-organic, which uses huge amounts of petrochemical toxins.
Latest NHS Figures Show A More Accurate Picture of COVID-19
Macronutrient Ratios, Micronutrients and Your Immune System
In order to perform at our best and generate optimum energy in every cell in our body, we need to eat our meals and snacks in a specific ratio of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
The Importance of Food Quality
Quite simply, to build health, you need to nourish your body with highly nutrient dense, toxic-free foods.
And how do you do that?
The Miracles of Correct Nutrition
The subject of nutrition is possibly one of the most debated areas of health outside of the medical establishment (Nutrition is taught anywhere from 0-4 hours in most 5-7 year medical degrees).
There are literally thousands of books written on nutrition and most contradict each other. The main reason for the contradictions is because we are all different and require different nutrients.
Hydration Improvement Strategies
Now, if you’re not drinking much water at the moment or aren’t drinking any at all, then you need to increase your intake gradually.
For example, if you’re drinking 10 ounces (0.3 litres) of water per day and your minimum amount needs to be 60 ounces (1.77 litres), then you might increase like this:
Level of COVID-19 Risk Based on Age and Existing Conditions in England
The data from England in April suggests that the under 65’s have practically 0 risk (or very tiny fraction with many decimal places of risk) whereas those really at risk are those over 60 years old.
Professor Cahill’s Views on our Current Situation
Living through this current unprecedented situation has left a lot of people scratching their head wondering what is really going on.
Our governments and media are constantly changing their minds as to what is going on and what we are allowed and not allowed to do and social media have been censoring and denying freedom of speech for anyone who disagrees with the government or media’s messages.